Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023
Tour de Meissner – More than traffic

Tutors: Juliane Heinrich
Chair: Urban Design and Development (Million), Institute of Urban and Regional Planning
Urban Design students Benjamin Gätzschmann, Maximilian Theye in collaboration with Urban Planning students

This urban planning project responds to the Moritz-Ziller design competition 2023. Visions for the future design of Meißner Straße are being sought. The urban space, which is currently dominated by traffic, should in future create identity, provide orientation, function as the entrance to Radebeul and be an attractive public space for residents and visitors. The appearance and functions of Meißner Straße are to be put to the test and transformed in equal measure.

Radebeul is part of a spatial concentration of culturally, economically and touristically important cities from Meißen to the Saxon state capital Dresden and Pirna. Despite the importance of neighboring cities, Radebeul and the Meißner Strasse are more than just a place of transit. The following four designs show how the quality of life along Meißner Strasse can be more strongly considered and developed.

Design challenges:

  • Large competition area
  • Variations in scale
  • Interdisciplinarity: traffic planning, open space planning, urban planning
  • Access routes to Radebeul

Design needs:

  • More space for pedestrian and bicycle traffic
  • Unsealing and greening
  • Recreational spaces for young and old, indoors and outdoors
  • Spaces for meeting
  • Spaces for social uses
  • Active facades and first floor zones

Design solutions and learnings:

  • Concept for entire planning area & focus on sub-area
  • Analysis reveals numerous potential areas
  • Critical approach to tendering required