Thanks for showing interest in the Master of Urban Design!

We have assembled some responses to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) – please read through the information provided, as well as the information and resources on the degree program website here.

Is there any further information available on the Master Urban Design?

Click here to see the Urban Design Program Overview.
Click here to check out the Urban Design Degree Program.
Click here to access a recording of one of the introductory presentations on our Youtube- channel.

How do I apply?

For information about applying and enrolling for graduate studies at TU Berlin, please click here.
For Master Urban Design program-specific informaton on how to apply, please click here.

How do I organise a visa / residency permit?

For information relating to visas and residency permits, please see the TU Berlin Residency website.

How can I find housing?

The housing market in Berlin is extremely competitive and it is advised to begin to organise living arrangements well before your arrival. We recommend checking out the TU Berlin Housing Guide and the StudierendenWERK Housing FAQ. The following websites are popular platforms that advertise flat shares: studierendenWERK Berlin,, ImmoScout24

Is there any financial support available?
For information on scholarships and finances, we recommend looking at TU Berlin Scholarships and Finances, the DAAD Scholarships database and Studierenden Work Bafög Guide.

Do I need to speak German or other languages?

The Master of Urban Design is taught in English and there are no German language requirements for admission, however, knowledge of German is beneficial. If you are interested in learning German or another language, click here to find language courses at the Modern Language Center of the TU Berlin (ZEMS).

Are there any social media channels relating to university life?

There are various channels that will inform you about events and present information about the Faculty and Institute: TU Berlin Institute for Architecture Student Council of the Institute for ArchitectureROUNDABOUTTU-Sports

Channels of the Chairs involved in the Master Urban Design: Habitat Unit Chair of Urban Design and Urban Development CHORA FG Freiraum CUDSociology of Planning and Architecture ,K Lab

What IT support is available to students?

Click here for more information regarding IT Support. (German)
Click here for a list of software available to students. (German)
Click here for recorded software tutorials via the IfA Youtube Channel.

Please note: Some services will be available after your official matriculation.


Further information & downloads:

Guidance and choosing the right degree program: Academic Advising Service

General questions: Student Info Services

Application and enrollment: Office of Student Affairs – Graduate Admissions 

Recognition of previously acquired credits: Examination Board

Subject-specific Counseling and Services

Office of Academic and Student Affairs

Support for students with impairmentsTU Berlin and StudierendenWERK 

Unite and Collaborate!

In previous semesters forming Slack, WhatsApp, and Telegram-Communities helped students to organise and help each other. We recommend organising informal groups to help communicate with other students.


If after looking through the FAQ’s and the course program website, you still have questions, please get in contact with the friendly team at course guidance.