“BB4+ STRESSTEST: Critical visions for a region facing climate pressure” by Ziwei Dong, David Freeman, Luzie Michaels, Pascal Müller, Arina Rahma, Huizi Zhu

This is BB4+ : Stresstest!

a project that is generally interested in widening our imagination of a not-so-unlikely and not-so-far-away future for the region of Berlin-Brandenburg in the year 2050.

This work projects certain imageries along a rather messy trajectory into a critical future – a trajectory that, so it seems, is far closer to our reality than political statements and jointly coordinated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

It is a very personal but unromantic answer to the question of how we can articulate disruption and crises, within an ever-expanding system supposed to run smoothly. It is our way of imagining how Berlin-Brandenburg will respond to climate change as an adaptive but foremost human system.