UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise
Christin Bernartz, Laurène Cendrey, Nadine Krell, Kerstin Parschat, Lisa Wagner
WiSe 15/16
On the one hand our proposal preserves the existing qualities of the site like its incredible width and a beautiful vegetation (wicker for example), and on the other hand it offers a significant number of new housing units for Pankow. From 1.000 to 1.800 housing units could be built , with a school for 400 pupils. The community gardens would occupy a surface of 3.500m² and the private gardens a surface of 7.100m². The furniture store has 44.000m² (+ parking lots) and the shopping center 22.000m². By focusing on the particularities of the Berlin households and defining three types of „communities“ we propose a flexible architecture , and therefore flexible types of households, which can live in.
For example, in the Type I someone with a private bedroom of 12m² can access to 226m² of common space with shared kitchen and living room with a huge balcony. With a minimum of 16 people living in a community from Type I it means that one person actually pays for 26m², while he actually can access to 238m². In the Type II four apartments from 50m² to 70m² share a common space of 100m² (mltiplied by four because each common room is accessible from all building) with kitchenette, possibilities to organize yoga curses, exibitions, safe playground for children, or simply meet with the neighbours. In the Type III one can find conventional floor plans and appartments from 35m² to 80m² for people, who not wish to live in a sharing community. These three types allow a greater diversity of households living side by side